Monday, 3 October 2016

Looking at the positives.

Last night, whilst driving home from work, I decided that I needed to be more focused and positive about being a mummy and a wife and a person. I'm reading a series of books at the moment, which I'm really enjoying, about women who are travelling across America to become mail order brides. In there is describes the amount of work they put in to keep their husbands and children happy, therefore making them a good wife. Whilst things have changed so much in this time I can't help but take some pointers from it and think that I should be doing a lot more and keeping my house a lot better.

My husband last night told me a about someone going to someone elses house and being shocked at the state of it, it made me think that I never want someone to come into my house thinking that and I need to do a better job. Added to this though I decided that I need to be more positive about what I do do and acknowledge it. So each day my aim is think about what I'm doing to be like those brides and what am I doing to be a good housewife.

I've decided to start small and get myself used acknowledging the little tasks before noticing and doing bigger things. It's not that I'm necessarily not doing these things before but I haven't given myself credit for them. So this morning what have I done?
I've done the washing and changed the beds. I've vacuumed and cleaned the kitchen floor. Sorted out the family finances for this month and sorted out the family calendar. This has backfired a little because that doesnt't feel like much now I come to look at it but I suppose it's only 11am. We are currently trying out a star chart system for our daughter where she gets good stars and naughty stars, both of which come with rewards/punishments. So far it's going really well and she's very anxious to get the good stars and avoid the naughty ones. This means that I'm searching for jobs she can help with and trying to get her involved as well. She's very eager to help so to encourage and reward this is key. She's only 3 so at the age where the rewards can be small and easy to find, like watching a princess film. Punishments are easy too because she loves her princess dolls and is devastated if she can't have one for the night. I hope this works and it makes us feel more in control and able to consistently discipline. I mention this because I think this is another positive good mother point.

Right so it's time to give her lunch before she heads off to nursery. I get an afternoon to myself. Now comes the dilemma, do I do some more jobs or do I sit down and relax in peace and quiet for once? Either way I probably won't be happy with my decision and will think I should have done the other thing. We shall see.

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